About Us

Our Story

We share one thing in common: a deep-seated conviction that standing still is not an option. The future is there to be shaped.

Highstead was born out of a belief that the old, conventional ways of doing investment banking were outdated. It was time for change. It took a leap of faith and it meant starting from nothing. But it freed us to build a culture that was fresh, empowering and creative. A culture that was modern.

Highstead is driven by a sense of enjoyment, a deeply embedded purpose and a personal commitment to our clients.

Our Team

We are a group of like-minded former bulge bracket investment bankers and Big 4 ACAs with extensive corporate finance experience.

We pride ourselves on being exceptional at what we do and relish working with those who are exceptional at what they do.

We are always on the lookout for corporate financiers of all levels who just get it. If you are curious, call us.